Parsing Cookies in Integration Broker Request Handler
By Chris Malek | Mon, May 5, 2014
I have been doing a tremendous amount of integration broker work lately.
In one project, I had to retrieve a cookie submitted by the requester
and do some processing with it. The integration broker cookie API
) returns the cookies with all the
cookies and key value pairs as one large string. As far as I can tell
from the current state of the documentation, you have to write your own
cookie parser on the string returned.
Cookies are submitted in the HTTP headers like this:
I threw together a method called getCookieFromRequest
that is meant to
live inside your subscription handler code. Here is the method I wrote
that splits the cookie by ;
and then again by =
You ask it for a cookie key name and it will return back the value if it exists.
method getCookieFromRequest
/+ &MSG as Message, +/
/+ &cookieName as String +/
/+ Returns String +/
Local string &requestCookies;
&requestCookies = &MSG.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.Cookies;
Local array of string &aInboundCookiesKeyValues;
&aInboundCookiesKeyValues = CreateArrayRept("", 0);
&aInboundCookiesKeyValues = Split(&requestCookies, ";");
Local integer &i;
Local array of string &aKeyValue;
Local integer &cookieValLocationStart;
For &i = 1 To &aInboundCookiesKeyValues.Len
&aKeyValue = Split(&aInboundCookiesKeyValues [&i], "=");
If LTrim(RTrim(&aKeyValue [1])) = &cookieName Then
Return &aKeyValue [2];
Return "";
catch Exception &E
Return "";;
Here is a sample of how it would sit in an subscription handler. In this
example, we are going after the PS_TOKEN
class INBOUND_TESTER implements PS_PT:Integration:IRequestHandler
method onRequest(&MSG As Message) Returns Message;
method getCookieFromRequest(&MSG As Message, &cookieName As string) Returns string;
method onRequest
/+ &MSG as Message +/
/+ Returns Message +/
/+ Extends/implements PS_PT:Integration:IRequestHandler.OnRequest +/
/* Setup response xml body */
Local Message &response;
&response = CreateMessage(Operation.CHG_TEST, %IntBroker_Response);
Local XmlDoc &xmlout;
Local XmlNode &childNode;
&xmlout = CreateXmlDoc("");
Local string &cValue;
&cValue = %This.getCookieFromRequest(&MSG, "PS_TOKEN");
if all(&cValue) then
/* Do something with cookie */
Return &response;
method getCookieFromRequest
Let me know if you find a better way or think you have improvements on this.
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Chris Malek
Chris Malek is a PeopleTools® Technical Consultant with two decades of experience working on PeopleSoft enterprise software projects. He is available for consulting engagements.
About Chris Work with ChrisPeopleSoft Simple Web Services (SWS)
Introducing a small but powerful PeopleSoft bolt-on that makes web services very easy. If you have a SQL statement, you can turn that into a web service in PeopleSoft in a few minutes.
Integration Broker - The Missing Manual
I am in the process of writing a book called "Integration Broker - The Missing Manual" that you can read online.