All content within the REST category.
- REST HTTP Post Example
- How set HTTP Status codes in REST
- How to use the SetRestCache Method
- JSON Parsing Using PeopleTools JsonParser
- PsoftToXML Application Class - Convert PeopleSoft Object to XML
- REST Web Services - Generating and Working with Error Responses
- JSON Parsing using PeopleCode Classes Starting in PeopleTools 8.55.11
- A Complete PeopleSoft REST Web Service Example
- JSONtoXML Application Class - An Alternative Method to Parse JSON in Peoplecode
- Reporting Web Services: Using the REST Web Services to run a Query
- Using Apache HttpClient from PeopleCode
- PeopleTools REST Based Web Services Removing Response
- JSON Parsing Limitations in 8.53
- PeopleSoft RESTListeningConnector Not So "RESTful"
- 8.52 and REST support in Integration Broker
- Will PeopleSoft Support REST Web Services?
A full REST Delete Example
A full REST Post Example
Example code and documentation on controlling the HTTP status codes in REST web services.
Using REST Cache in PeopleSoft REST Web Services.
An example of using JSON parsing built into PeopleSoft starting in 8.55 with JsonParser.
PeopleCode Application Class that converts a Peoplesoft Object to XML for web services.
A look at sending error responses in PeopleSoft REST web services and some nuances with using them.
A newly discovered JSON parsing PeopleCode Class in 8.55.11
A complete example of providing a REST web service in PeopleSoft.
A new custom solution to convert JSON to XML in PeopleSoft. It makes parsing JSON in PeopleCode easier.
Using the REST Reporting Web Services in PeopleSoft to run a query.
Some code examples of using Apache httpClient from PeopleCode (bypassing Integration Broker)
A look at a strange issue/bug/limitation of calling a REST based service from PeopleSoft.
A warning in 8.53 JSON parsing limitations.
RESTListeningConnector not returning RESTful faults.
Some updated information on REST API support
For PeopleTools 8.51 and lower the answer is **No**.