Integration Broker
All content within the Integration Broker category.
- REST OAuth Configuration
- New IB Book Section - HttpTargetConnector
- Strategies to Integrate with PeopleSoft
- Best Practices with PeopleSoft Table Updates and Inserts
- REST HTTP Post Example
- How set HTTP Status codes in REST
- How to use the SetRestCache Method
- JSON Parsing Using PeopleTools JsonParser
- PsoftToXML Application Class - Convert PeopleSoft Object to XML
- REST Web Services - Generating and Working with Error Responses
- A Complete PeopleSoft REST Web Service Example
- JSONtoXML Application Class - An Alternative Method to Parse JSON in Peoplecode
- A look at the 'List of Values' (SCC_GET_LOV) Web Service
- Using Chunking Rules with OnRouteSend PeopleCode
- What are FULLSYNC Chunking Rules?
- Using Apache HttpClient from PeopleCode
- PeopleTools REST Based Web Services Removing Response
- Delay Processing in Inbound Asynchronous Subscription Handlers
- JSON Parsing Limitations in 8.53
- Using SwitchUser in Integration Broker Subscriptions
- Parsing Cookies in Integration Broker Request Handler
- Deleting Service Operation Log Tables During Development
- Properly Securing the ANONYMOUS IB Node
- Find and Audit Active Service Operations
- How to FULLSYNC tables between PeopleSoft databases
- Understanding Local Integration Broker Routings
- Synchronous HTTP Post to PeopleSoft Integration Broker using Python
- HTTP Post to PeopleSoft Integration Broker using Python
- Why Exclude PSFT Auth Tokens in Integration Broker?
- Understanding the difference between SYNC and FULLSYNC integrations
- Getting Integration Broker Code to Run as a Different User
- 8.52 and REST support in Integration Broker
- Understanding Integration Broker Queue Partitioning
- HTTP Form Posts and the PeopleTools Integration Broker
- Will PeopleSoft Support REST Web Services?
- Understanding the Integration Broker Monitor
- High Level Overview of Integration Broker Publishing Steps
How to setup OAuth for REST services in PeopleSoft.
A new book chapter about HttpTargetConnector
New book chapter on strategies to integration with PeopleSoft.
New book chapter on table update strategies in PeopleSoft.
A full REST Delete Example
A full REST Post Example
Example code and documentation on controlling the HTTP status codes in REST web services.
Using REST Cache in PeopleSoft REST Web Services.
An example of using JSON parsing built into PeopleSoft starting in 8.55 with JsonParser.
PeopleCode Application Class that converts a Peoplesoft Object to XML for web services.
A look at sending error responses in PeopleSoft REST web services and some nuances with using them.
A complete example of providing a REST web service in PeopleSoft.
A new custom solution to convert JSON to XML in PeopleSoft. It makes parsing JSON in PeopleCode easier.
This article looks at the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions "List of Values" (SCC\_GET\_LOV) web service which a third party can pull setup data out of PeopleSoft. It is helpful for integrations.
A look at using OnRouteSend Combined with PeopleCode\
A look at FULLSYNC chunking rules
Some code examples of using Apache httpClient from PeopleCode (bypassing Integration Broker)
A look at a strange issue/bug/limitation of calling a REST based service from PeopleSoft.
A look at how the PeopleTools integration broker delay processing works.
A warning in 8.53 JSON parsing limitations.
An example of using switchuser to change user context in subscription PeopleCode.
An example method of parsing cookies in an integration broker handler.
An alternative to appmsgpurgeall.dms for one service operation.
Some notes and warnings about the Anonymous node configuration.
Some SQL that will show you active service operations
This will show you how you can easily do a FULLSYNC of a table from one PeopleSoft database to another with mostly setup and a small amount of generic code.
A look into the who, what, when, where, why of local integration broker service operations.
An example python script that post a synchronous message to the PeopleSoft Integration broker HTTP connector and gets a response.
An example python script that posts to the PeopleSoft Integration broker HTTP connector.
Some thoughts on excluding PSFT Auth token to simplify security for Web Services
An Explanation of the differences and limitations of FULLSYNC and SYNC PeopleSoft Service Operations.
We will explore how to run integration broker code as another user.
Some updated information on REST API support
This article will explain Message Queue partitioning in PeopleTools Integration Broker.
When integrating with 3rd Party applications the question often comes up can the PeopleTools integration broker handle http from post data either sending or receiving. The short answer is no.
For PeopleTools 8.51 and lower the answer is **No**.
A look at how to use the Integration Broker Monitor page.
The Application Messaging / Integration Broker is a complicated PeopleSoft module and can be very confusing if you don’t know what to look for.